Day: August 23, 2020

Best Ways To Make The Vinyl Plank Flooring ShineBest Ways To Make The Vinyl Plank Flooring Shine

No doubt vinyl plank flooring looks very stylish and is durable too but it becomes dull when not taken care of. Although it can withstand dirt and high traffic,you need to keep it clean to prevent it from losing its shine. In this post,we are sharing some easiest ways to clean your vinyl plank flooring along with some other useful tips.

So,how to make the vinyl plank flooring shine as new? Well,we have specially designed this cleaning chart to help you in cleaning your vinyl plank flooring.

Do Regular Cleaning Everyday

Although vinyl plank floors are very easy to clean,they get dirty very quickly. So,it’s very important to clean it every day to remove all the dirt and debris. If you’re thinking that little dirt particles will do no harm to your floor,know that these dirt particles can scratch the vinyl in the similar fashion of a sandpaper. Thus,if you want to avoid,perform dry cleaning everyday. This is by far the best way to take care of your vinyl flooring.

Another thing you can do is place good quality rugs and carpets on the top of the floor,it will not only provide defence against dirt and debris but will also enhance the look of your place. These days you can get rugs and carpets in a variety of designs and colors,you can get one according to your interiors.

BTW,if you’re enjoying this article and want to read about more ways to improve your floor’s appearance,click on this link: vinyl tile waterproof sealant

Vacuum And Dusting Brooms Will Do The Trick

You don’t need to have many tools for keeping your vinyl plank flooring shiny,regular cleaning using your simple vacuum cleaner will do the job. You can even use your old-school broom to sweep the floor clean. But here is a thing,avoid using rotating heads on the vacuum as they can damage the floor. Brooms are the best option because they do the dry cleaning without scratching the floor.

Perform Deep Cleaning Once in Week

If you don’t have much time to clean your flooring every day,perform deep cleaning at least once in a week. This will involve wet cleaning,removing stains,scuffs and nicks.

Begin with normally dry cleaning the floor to eliminate the traces of dust,debris,hair strands etc. This will make your wet cleaning very easy.

Once you’re done with it,proceed with wet cleaning. For this,use only mild and pH neutral floor cleaners and avoid using ammonia-based products and harsh detergents on the vinyl floor as they can damage it. The best idea is to use DIY cleaners like baking soda,distilled water etc.

For removing tough stains,apply a paste of baking soda and water and scrub it with a soft brush or sponge until the stain gets removed. Follow by mopping down the entire vinyl plank flooring thoroughly.

You can even wash and rinse your floor to clean it deeply. For this,take some warm water in a bucket and mix it with dish soap and wash the floor with this solution. Once you’re done,wipe the surface dry by removing all the puddles of water.

To remove scuffs,buff it up using a melamine sponge. This will remove all kinds of harsh lines,minor scuffs and scratches as well.

Things To Keep In Mind While Cleaning Vinyl Plank Flooring

Here are some do’s and don’ts for cleaning the vinyl flooring. These tips will not only help you to keep your flooring like brand new but will also increase its longevity.

  • – Use a high-quality vinyl tile sealer
  • – To avoid scratching of your vinyl plank flooring,cover the legs of your furniture with felt pads.
  • – Use a dolly to move the heavy furniture.
  • – Avoid dragging large items on the floor like a bed,couch,fridge etc. Place a plyboard on the floor when you need to roll over large items.
  • – Avoid using ammonia-based floor cleaners as they are very abrasive. Use dish wash liquid and DIY floor cleaners instead.
  • – Use only soft sponges,rags and brushes to scrub your vinyl flooring. Avoid using sharp objects to scrape the stains as they can tear the lamination.


That’s about it. By following these simple steps,you will be able to keep your vinyl plank flooring sparkling clean for years.

Thanks for your time reading this article. Visit the Author’s site here: vinyl floor coating